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Quality Assurance Policy

Spearhead Machinery Limited is a pioneer in the design and development of tractor mounted vegetation maintenance solutions based in Salford Priors, Evesham, Worcestershire, United Kingdom.

We supply our products into a range of core market sectors including agriculture, municipalities, the military and airports via a dedicated dealer and distributor network both domestically and globally.

We have considered our structure, our strengths, and our weaknesses, interested parties, and performance expectations when setting out the strategic objectives for our business.

The Company has developed and evolved its expertise since its establishment in 1988 and will endeavour to provide the highest level of performance, product quality and customer service by the innovative use and advancement of our human, technical and material resources with a view to increasing revenues, profitability and market share.

The objectives of this company are set out in the Business Plan and form the basis of our strategic direction. We encourage a continuous improvement culture to monitor and measure our progress and achieve our targeted objectives.

To ensure that these objectives are being met, they are reviewed by Top Management, on a regular basis, for performance, suitability, and effectiveness.

All employees must commit their full support to comply with customer, legal and regulatory requirements and operate within the confines of Quality Management System EN ISO 9001:2015 and our own internal procedures. Top management is totally committed to achieving the highest possible level of quality in all products and services.

We aim to continually improve the service and products we provide using efficient business processes, well-defined measurements, best practices, and customer feedback.

We will develop staff competencies, creativity, empowerment, and accountability through appropriate training and show strong management and commitment to achieve our goals.

Only by providing an outstanding service and product quality will we achieve our aims of long-term success and sustained improvements.


Director of Sales and Marketing

Spearhead Machinery Ltd

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